Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Activities for Lent / Easter

Today, Janna Widdifield will be speaking to our MOPS group about ideas that we can use with our kids to make Lent / Easter a big deal in a fun and relatable way.

Here are some of the resources shared:

Friday, February 1, 2013

Arvada Preschool Fair

Looking for a preschool?

The Apex Parks and Recreation District is having a FREE Preschool Fair on Wednesday, February 6th.

Date: Wednesday, Feb 6th
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Location: Secrest Youth and Teen Center at 6820 W. 66th Ave (66th and Pierce)

According to the Apex website, "Staff from area preschools will be on hand to talk to you and provide information on their facilities and programs. Get all your questions answered in one place, talk to other parents and prepare for a successful preschool experience!"

For more information call 303-403-2555 or email lainad@apexprd.org.

Thanks you, Brooke, for the heads up on this.