Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Website

I stumbled upon Merry-Christmas.com today and thought that the rest of you might find it useful.

Have you run out of gift tags? Print your own.

Are you looking for Christmas tradition ideas? There are 31 to read about.

Do you want to listen to Christmas music or read the lyrics? Listen to mp3's.

Are the kids getting bored and need something to do? They can email Santa or print a coloring page.

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, take a look at Merry-Christmas.com.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Do you need a little break? Do your kids need some time outside of the house? How about meeting up with some other MOPS moms at Flatirons Mall. Friday morning, December 18, at 10 am in the soft play area.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dessert and Dancing

December Holiday Date!

What: Date Night for MOPS moms & their husbands/guest

Two instructors from Fred Astaire Dance Studios will provide one hour of dance instruction.

When: Friday, December 11 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm

Where: FCC; The Red Theatre

Cost: $10 per couple

Please bring your money to the next MOPS meeting on Tuesday, December 8. You can pay Leah, the DGL at Planet Forgetful. *See Leah for other payment options including paying at the event!

Food: Please bring your favorite appetizer or dessert to share!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fast, Easy Ornaments

Jill Morian just forwarded me this link to make fast, easy photo ornaments. All you need is a picture (any size), a pair of scissors, a hole punch, string, and two paper fasteners. This is a great craft to make with your kids. Plus, these are unbreakable.

Also, if you weren't at the MOPS meeting on November 24, we made great smelling ornaments using a clear glass ornament like the ones you can purchase at Hobby Lobby or Michael's, some potpourri, and a ribbon. Quick, easy and really nice.

As always, we would love for you to comment or share any ideas that you have with the rest of us.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Season of Advent

Just recently I have begun to learn about "Advent". I knew that it always occurred around Christmas but that was about the extent of my knowledge. To start my quest at learning what Advent was and is, I looked up the meaning of Advent. According to the dictionary, Advent is "the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event." So being the Christmas season it seems appropriate that we, as Christians, would celebrate the coming of Christ as the baby Jesus.

I have also learned that the most common way to celebrate advent is through a wreath with four candles. Each candle represents a Sunday prior to Christmas or the birth of Christ. Depending on the day of the week when Christmas falls, the advent season can be 22-28 days long. At amazingmoms.com, you can learn how to make your own advent wreath and read more about the symbolism of the wreath and the four (sometimes five) candles.

Another common way to celebrate advent is through an advent calendar that begins on December 1st. Joanne Heim, The Simple Wife, has a extensive collection of posts on advent and how she and her family have incorporated this celebration into their family. Joanne also spoke at our MOPS group last year and shared some examples of books and other materials that she uses to  during the season of advent.

I am a little behind starting our advent celebration this year, as it will be our first with MaKenna. I have a couple of ideas of what I would like to do, but I am curious how you celebrate advent with your family. I have heard a lot of you mentioning that you have begun, so please share your family traditions or ideas with me and the rest of our MOPS group.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nov. 24 Meeting Announcements

    • Food Next Meeting – Noisy Planet and Planet Meltdown

    • Next meeting – December 8th – Christmas Meeting – Fun crafts, get to know other members of our mops group and good food.

    • Operation Christmas child update – we were able to drop off over 20 boxes to be given to children in need this season. You guys are amazing, what a blessing to those children and families.

    • Spare change drive – We will have a drawing today for the necklace of the month!

    • Script program. This is a program in which you can purchase gift cards to over 200 stores and our MOPS group will receive a portion of the total amount.

    • Picture directory is available on our blog fccmops.wordpress.com … please check you email for the password to view the directory

    • This includes a list of our MOPPET teachers and the classes they are in. Please consider helping your children sign Christmas cards for their teachers.

    • December all MOPS event – Dessert and Dancing – Dec. 11th – sign up today with Leah Casagranda. $10 fee per couple. Location, FCC Red Theater.

      Thursday, November 19, 2009

      NEPALI Jewelry Open House

      NEPALI Jewelry Open House:

      Where:    Amy McLean's House

      When:     Thursday, November 19th 4-9pm

      Friday, November 20th, 3-9pm

      Saturday, November 21st, 3-9pm

      The proceeds from this event benefit Nepali women who are widowed, abandoned, physically handicapped, left in extreme poverty, or have been tricked into prostitution.  Amy's sister, Karen, works with these women as they are severally marginalized and receive no  finacial support from the government or church ( the church provides emotional and spiritual support, but the church is also poor) and have no hope for the future.  Aside from the cost of goods and shipping, 100% of the remaining money is used to assist these women in Nepal with health care, emergencies and other needs for their families.  Motivated by Christ's love for our Nepali sisters in the Lord, Amy, her mom, her sister Lisa, and a handful of volunteers sell the jewelry at various open houses through out the year.  We would be so happy if you, your family, friends and co-workers would join us for this benefit so we can further the well being of these women and their families.

      Tim and Karen Chase have been on staff with Mission Aviation Fellowship (www.maf.org) since 1995, first in Indonesia, and now in Nepal. Karen is involved with God-centered organizations in Nepal which include Emmanuel Crafts (women whose husbands have abandoned them or died), Princess Home and Bethesda Crafts ( homes for women rescued from prostitution), and Higher Grounds ( an outreach coffee shop). Through their employment, the women are able to provide a simple living for themselves and their families and basic education for their children.

      Wednesday, November 18, 2009

      Talented/Skilled Moms

      [caption id="attachment_285" align="alignright" width="160" caption="courtesy of Megan Kreitzberg"][/caption]

      It is now the middle of November and most of us have begun our Christmas shopping and preparations. Our MOPS group has some very talented moms with some very special skills. For example, you may knit/crochet, scrapbook, sew designer baby clothes/accessories, design cards such as announcements, invitations, holiday cards, sew mother/daughter or son aprons, make jewelry, etc. The list could go on and on. Therefore, for the benefit of our MOPS moms, please comment and share your talent/skill with the rest of us.

      **Only FCC MOPS moms' comments will be approved.**

      Tuesday, November 17, 2009

      Invite your friends!!!

      Invite your friends!!! One week from today (11/24) Julie Thomas, a fellow MOPS mom, will speak on The Angry Mom: Where did all these emotions come from? You don't want to miss it. If you will not be at this meeting or you are bringing a friend, please let your DGL know ASAP.

      Sunday, November 15, 2009

      Paula Valenta 11-10-09

      Hi Ladies. This past Tuesday Paula Valenta spoke on Sex and Intimacy. If you would like to listen to her talk, click here.


      Wednesday, November 11, 2009

      Thank You

      In case you are looking for a way to say "Thank you" to our troops this Veteran's Day or anytime, here are a couple of links.


      We have "What to Send", "How to Send" and "FAQ" pages to help you properly send letters and packages, please read these. Be sure to also read our "New & Stuff" and "Success Stories" pages. This effort is 110% voluntary. You send your support, and maybe some stuff, directly to whatever unit or units you want.


      A Million Thanks is a year-round campaign to show our appreciation to our U.S. Military Men and Women, past and present for their sacrifices, dedication, and service to our country through our letters, emails, cards, and prayers.

      A special thanks to Erin Wernlein for providing us with these helpful sites.

      Tuesday, November 10, 2009

      ***Updated*** Christmas Wish

      ***Noah's Family celebrated their early Christmas over the weekend and have been overloaded with cards and gifts.  Though they're grateful for the outpouring, his parents have requested that no additional mail be sent, as they are now just focusing on their time with Noah.***

      The story of Noah Biorkman has been brought to the attention of our MOPS group. Here is the email that was received by one of our MOPS mom's.

      A friend of our neighbor's has a 5 yr old son, Noah. He is in the last stages of a 2 1/2 year battle with Neuroblastoma Cancer. His family is celebrating Christmas early this year and Noah's request is to get a lot of Christmas cards. If you can help fill this little boy's last "Christmas" with cards, please send them to: Noah Biorkman 1141 Fountain View Circle, South Lyon, MI 48178

      If you would like to know more about this request, here are a couple of links:



      Monday, November 9, 2009

      Reminder: MOPS tomorrow 11/10

      Hi Ladies,

      I hope that you all had a great weekend. I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday. There are quite a few announcements. If you have any questions please call or email your DGL.

      1.0 Our speaker this meeting is Paula Valenta. She will be speaking on Sex and Intimacy. Julie Thomas, a fellow MOPS mom, will be speaking the 4th Tuesday of November, 11/24. Her topic is The Angry Mom: Where did all these Emotions Come From.

      2.0 Please remember to bring your Operation Christmas Child items/boxes to the meeting.

      3.0 Bring your Spare Change. For every $1, you are entered to win a Nepali, handmade necklace.

      4.0 Our next fundraiser will be a gift card purchase. This will continue throughout the entire year but it is a great opportunity for gifts this holiday season or a way to stay in budget when going to the store. As soon as we get the information, a link will also be on the blog where you can buy the gift cards online.

      5.0 The November all MOPS event is on November 18 from 6-8pm at Supper Solutions (92nd/Harlan). Planet Clean-up is hosting. It is up to you how much this event costs. To select your meals, go to http://suppersolutionsinc.com and then email Michelle Klepper your selections by November 15.

      6.0 The December all MOPS event is hosted by Planet Forgetful. It will be Dessert and Dancing on December 11, in the Red Theater at Foothills.  The cost will be $10. Childcare will not be provided. More information to come.

      7.0 Stephanie Ours is hosting a New to MOPS event on November 21 at 10am. Any mom that is new to MOPS (Aug 09) is invited to this event at Stephanie's home. Please rsvp to Stephanie at ours9@comcast.net.

      8.0 Tables up for food tomorrow are Planet Feed Me and Planet Hugs and Kisses.

      9.0 Congratulations to Erin Leyba. Baby Claire was born on Saturday.

      I think that is all for now. See you Tuesday.

      Thursday, November 5, 2009

      Divorce Proof Your Marriage

      Here is a letter from Erin with the notes from DeeDee's talk following.

      Hi everyone,

      I wanted to follow up to the last mops meeting on October 29th with DeeDee Woodman, on how to protect your marriage. Somewhere in the transfer from ipod to computer, and through restarting of said computer, the talk has been deleted, from everything. So, we have compiled an outline of notes from the talk, which can be viewed on our blog. I am so sorry that I was unable to transfer that properly, at all. I know that one of these days we will be able to get it to work! I realize that it was a lot of information and could be viewed as somewhat threatening, but as Deedee stated, I really feel like this is such an important topic for us, as moms and women, in this season.

      While I have not experienced betrayal within my own marriage, I recently learned about an out-of-state friend who had betrayed her husband.  I thought I knew this friend.  It rocked my world more than I could have ever imagined.  I feel that we need to be ever aware of the reality that this can happen; that it is the prime desire of Satan to tear our marriages apart, and that it can happen to someone we know and it can happen to us.  While I can’t even begin to comprehend being on the side of the betrayed or betrayer, I do understand how it can affect a friendship, a marriage and a family.

      So, with that being said, if this is something that you have experienced in any capacity, I’d encourage you to find a ‘safe’ person and talk to them.  I am here if you need to talk, and if you aren’t comfortable talking to me, seek out a mentor mom, or a mentor in your life, or seek out professional counseling, I will gladly pass along DeeDee’s information, deedeewoodmanlpc.com or that of another counselor if you are interested.

      One thing I would ask, if someone comes to you with this type of personal information, this trust, guard that with all that is in you. If you are the one seeking out someone to talk with, make sure you let them know your expectations right off the bat, so that there is no confusion. It can be as simple as “I am trusting that this will go no further than you.” If you are the one someone comes to, they are expecting you to be a safe place for them to come to, be a listening ear, don’t plan on solving everything for them. Just be there, and guard and respect the trust that they are instilling in you, if they chose to share with you. I can’t reiterate that enough; respect their decision to tell you, by not telling anyone (period).

      I spoke with Paula Valenta, or next speaker, and filled her in on where this talk went. And she asked me to see if anyone had any follow-up questions that they would like her to address in her talk on the 10th. If you do, email them to her at mtndewluver@yahoo.com, or you can email them to me at my personal email address and I will pass them along to her. If we could get her any questions by Friday of this week, that will give her adequate time to address them in her talk.

      Have a great rest of the week.

      I love you guys!

      Erin Leyba- FCC MOPS Coordinator


      Men need the following from their wife:



      Time Alone/ Guy Time

      Confidence Builders


      To know that they are enough

      To know that they are their wife's priority

      Shared interest


      An attractive Spouse (Don't let yourself go)

      A partner ("She's got my back")

      Men communicate shoulder to shoulder not face to face as women do. Face to face may cause them to feel threatened or trapped.

      What shuts a man down?

      Disrespect, criticism, disrespect in front of others, rejection, unrealistic expectations

      What can a wife do to divorce proof her marriage?

      Date night (limit talk about the kids)

      Give him time when he walks in the door to decompress from work (don't dump on him the minute he walks in)

      Ask what are his tops three expectations when he comes home

      Non-sexual touch

      Do things for yourself (continue to pursue interests before kids)

      Pick your battles (Is this a hill you want to die on?)

      Don't assume only you know what is best for your children

      Encourage "man time" without guilt

      Write a respect letter

      Suggested Readings:

      Love & Respect by Dr Emerson Eggerich

      The Five Love Languages by Dr Gary Chapman

      Discussion Questions:

      In what ways do you struggle showing your husband Respect?

      What specifically do you need to do to "invest" in your relationship?

      What is something specific you learned today about men that might help you in your relationship with your husband?

      Tuesday, November 3, 2009

      A month of Thankfulness

      thankful turkeyIt seems like Thanksgiving is sometimes shadowed by Halloween and Christmas if not overlooked all together. However, here is a way to emphasize Thankfulness the entire month of November. In this month's Colorado Parent magazine, they suggested creating a wall of gratitude or if you are crafty, a turkey with "thankful" feathers.  Each day, each member of your household writes what they are thankful for on a sticky note or feather and then places it on the wall. On Thanksgiving day, all of the notes are read.

      Here is a basic turkey coloring sheet that you can use for your Thankful Turkey.

      Another option for those of us who facebook is to include something you are thankful for in your status each day.

      Do you have something special that you do with your children that focuses on Thankfulness? If so, please share it with us.

      Operation Christmas Child Boxes


      I wanted to let you know of a unique opportunity presented by one of our MOPS moms. We have a mom who is donating the shipping cost of $7 for 20 Operation Christmas Child boxes. So, what this means for you is that if an additional box is something you would like to do with your family, neighborhood, MOPS table, etc… then she will cover the shipping, up to 20 additional boxes. What a great way to get our families and friends involved in this Christmas outreach.


      Simply bring your filled box to MOPS this coming Tuesday, the 10th, or to the Thanksgiving meeting on the 24th and we will see that your shipping is covered.


      Please contact Stephanie Ours if you need the information regarding the guidelines and items that are suitable for these boxes or click here.


      Thanks again for taking part in this Christmas Outreach!


      Erin Leyba

      FCC MOPS Coordinator

      Monday, November 2, 2009

      November all MOPS event

      The November all MOPS event will be November 18 from 6-8pm at Supper Solutions located on 92nd/Harlan. The cost of this event varies according to how many meals each participant wishes to prepare. Meals can be selected by going to http://www.suppersolutionsinc.com/ and clicking on "menu" and selecting the Westminster kitchen. Participants should notify Michelle Klepper of selections by phone or email no later than Sunday, November 15, so that Supper Solutions can prepare for our event.

      Wednesday, October 28, 2009

      Snow, Snow, and More Snow

      It is that time of year again and the snow has fallen a couple of times already with today being the first snow day. It's not even November or Halloween yet, crazy. I, personally, would love to stay in my pj's and sit by a warm fire sipping hot chocolate. However, with kids this is not always possible so here are some ideas from Family Fun that will keep your kids busy and entertained (besides watching tv or movies all day long). I started my search for "snow" here. The results...more than 150 games, crafts, recipes, and articles related to snow. Here are a few. There are many more that I could have included.

      Birdseed Snow Angles- This activity may be best after the snow stops and of course, you do need to have birdseed. Probably best for older children.

      Snow Pudding- Warning, this recipe does require you to refrigerate it for a couple of hours.

      Homemade Snow Dough- Most likely, you have all of the ingredients for this fun activity in your pantry. So, if it is too cold to head outside and make snowmen or the snow is too dry, why not make miniature snowmen inside.

      Build Your Own Snowman Printable- All you have to do is print from your computer, then cut and paste the facial expressions, hats and hands, and clothes. If that is to much, then print the scene and have your child(ren) add features to the snowman using crayons or markers.

      Paper Snowflakes- I remember making these all the time as a child, and I grew up in the south where it hardly ever snowed. So simple. All you need is a piece of paper and a pair of scissors.

      Tuesday, October 27, 2009

      Simple tips for living

      Simple tips for living. Otherwise known as Living Simply. Megan Kreitzberg has written an excellent blog on how she applies living simply to her busy life as a wife, mother of a one year old, and owner of Bloom Interiors. You can find her blog post at http://kreitzbergfamily.blogspot.com/2009/10/living-simply.html. Megan shares tips on monthly meal planning, using a chore/household chart, keeping a rotating goodwill bag, rising early, and learning from others. Megan's tips are practical and easy to implement. Thanks Megan.

      How do you live simply?

      Monday, October 26, 2009

      Announcements for 10-27-09

      1.0 Questions about check in procedures? Please see last meetings announcements located on the blog, for more details.

      2.0 November 24th meeting – If you have school aged children, will they be attending MOPS with you this meeting? We need to get an accurate head count, so that we have enough MOPPETS workers.

      3.0 Dues are due this meeting – October 27

      4.0 Fundraiser – Trunk or Treating – this Friday night, 10/30 baked good donations are needed for the night, pre packaged/wrapped and ready to sell. Drop off at the church this Friday night.  The event itself is from 6:30-8:30pm.

      5.0 Please continue to check our blog as it is updated often throughout the week. If you would like to add an event to the blog, contact Michelle Klepper – fccmops.wordpress.com

      6.0 H1N1 – Please stay home if you think your child might be sick!

      7.0 Children may be dropped off beginning at 9:15 in their assigned classrooms. Please do not drop them off elsewhere. Also, make sure all items are labeled with your child’s name.

      8.0 Food Thank You - Planet Laundry and Planet Clean-up

      9.0 Food Next Meeting – Planet Feed Me and Planet Hugs and Kisses

      10.0 Next meeting – November 10th – Paula Valenta – Sex and Intimacy

      11.0 Spare change drive – Today we will draw for the Nepali necklace. Remember, for each $1 in change you put in your table's jar, you will be entered into a drawing for a Nepali necklace the last meeting of that month.

      12.0 Picture directories are available… copies should be at each table.

      October Featured Business Ad

      mops adoct

      Thursday, October 22, 2009

      Project Glean

      Looking for something to do with the family this weekend? How about participating in Project Glean.

      Project Glean is a great way to serve in the community while bonding with family and friends and ideal for kids of all ages. It runs Saturdays, Sept 12 - Oct 31. Through a special partnership with local farmers in Denver, Brighton and Wellington, volunteers arrive at the farms and harvest Colorado-grown produce. The bounty is then donated to COMPA Ministries where everything is distributed to area hunger relief agencies through COMPA’s Farm Market program. For more information, visit www.compa.org.

      Thanks to Colorado Parent for information on Project Glean.

      Wednesday, October 21, 2009

      Monster Cupcake

      sweet-monster-cupcakes-halloween-recipe-photo-420-FF1002ALM2A03Next Friday, October 30, is Trunk or Treat at Foothills Community Church and our MOPS group will have a booth. We are asking all MOPS' moms to donate individually wrapped baked goods. In case you are in need of alternatives to cookies and rice krispy treats, I ran across this fun cupcake idea today at http://familyfun.go.com/halloween/halloween-recipes/halloween-cakes-cupcakes/sweet-monster-cupcakes-683517/. So if you have a talent for cupcake decorating or are up for a challenge (even though it looks pretty easy), why not try this Monster Cupcake. They would make a great addition to this years Trunk or Treat event.

      Tuesday, October 20, 2009

      October All MOPS activity

      Planet MeltDown will be hosting this months all MOPS activity.

      When: Saturday, October 24th, 6:30 pm-9 pm

      Where: Fitness Center

      What: A Game Night

      Instructions: Bring your favorite game and an appetizer or dessert.

      Monday, October 19, 2009

      Open House

      OPEN HOUSE - Jefferson Academy Elementary Charter School will have an open house on Wednesday November 11 at 6:30 pm. This event, hosted by Mr. Munier, JA Elementary School Principal, will be an orientation for parents that are interested in enrolling their children at JA. Our current families are also welcomed to attend if interested. Childcare will not be provided. Please make other arrangements for your children.

      Also, if you have something that you would like added to the blog, please email it to michelleklepper@gmail.com.

      Friday, October 16, 2009

      Halloween Candy


      This Halloween don't let yourself or your child(ren) be caught off guard by an allergic reaction. A sweet and sticky thank you to Stephanie Ours for finding this amazing, very comprehensive site on Halloween candy. Here is an excerpt from the Sure Foods Living's article.

      The gluten-free allergen-free Halloween candy list is here! It’s that time of year again — the decorations are starting to appear, the scary costumes are peering out of store windows, and my children are already excited and talking about the candy they get to eat. Halloween is coming, but don’t get spooked! I have made things easy for you again this year with a list of Halloween candy available, both mainstream and specialty, and their gluten-free and allergen-free status.

      Each candy shows if it contains wheat/gluten, milk (dairy), soy, egg, nuts, or peanuts (6 of the top 8 allergens — fish and shellfish are not present in any of the candies on this list.)Note: I do not include coconut as a tree nut. Please, as always, double check ingredients and also check with the child’s parents before giving them any candy or allowing them to eat anything! I will not be held liable for any accident occurring due to the use of this list. It is meant as a guide only.

      Click here to read the entire article.

      Thursday, October 15, 2009

      School Panel

      Tuesday, four school choice representatives took time out of their busy schedules to come and answer questions about the school choice they represent to our MOPS group. The four school choices present were charter, public, homeschool, and private.

      Public School Representative- Matt Flores mdflores@jeffco.k12.co.us

      Public Charter School Representative- Tim Matlick tmatlick@wwacademy.org

      Private School Representative- Terrie Thaler Terrie.Thaler@fca-schools.org

      Home School Representative- Amy McLean btmclean@juno.com

      School Panel Discussion Questions

      Click here to the listen to the panel discussion.

      Wednesday, October 14, 2009

      Favorite Shirts

      Now that it is time for all of us to start wearing long sleeves, what do you do with your child(ren)'s favorite t-shirt? Here are two quick and easy items you can make.


      1- Cut two squares or rectangles the exact same size. One from the front of the shirt and one from the back. 2- Next, lay the pieces on top of one another (right sides facing). 3- Sew all sides except for one. 4- Turn the pillow right side out and fill with t-shirt scraps, filler, or anything that would make the pillow full and soft. Lastly, whip stitch the open side to close.

      Tote Bag/Purse (idea source: Martha Stewart & Parents magazine)

      1- Lay the shirt out flat. 2- Cut off the sleeves, neck, and the bottom. 3- Turn inside out and sew bottom together. 4- Stitch around the edges of the sleeves and neck for reinforcement. 4- Turn right side out and you're done.

      Tuesday, October 13, 2009

      Simple Bread Recipes

      This time of year, I love to make breads. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe the fall weather or the smell that warms your kitchen. Below you will find a recipe for Pumpkin Bread, Zucchini Bread, and Jewish Apple Cake (which I think is like a bread). I have been told that the recipe for the Jewish Apple Cake originated from the 2nd generation MOPS group.

      Downeast Maine Pumpkin Bread (from Allrecipes.com submitted by Megan Kreitzberg)


      • 1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin puree

      • 4 eggs

      • 1 cup vegetable oil

      • 2/3 cup water

      • 3 cups white sugar

      • 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

      • 2 teaspoons baking soda

      • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt

      • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

      • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

      • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

      • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger


      1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour three 7x3 inch loaf pans.

      2. In a large bowl, mix together pumpkin puree, eggs, oil, water and sugar until well blended. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger. Stir the dry ingredients into the pumpkin mixture until just blended. Pour into the prepared pans.

      3. Bake for about 50 minutes in the preheated oven. Loaves are done when toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

      Zucchini Harvest Bread (modified and submitted by Jill Morian)

      3 c. all-purpose flour (1/2 whole wheat and 1/2 regular)
      1 1/2 c. sugar (Splenda)
      1/2 c. firmly packed brown sugar
      1 c. butter or margarine, softened
      3 eggs
      1 Tbsp cinnamon
      1 tsp salt
      1 tsp baking soda
      1/4 tsp baking powder
      1/4 tsp nutmeg
      1/4 tsp cloves
      1 Tbsp vanilla
      2 c. unpeeled, shredded zucchini
      1/2 c. chopped walnuts (optional)

      Heat oven to 350 degrees.  In large mixer bowl, combine all ingredients except zucchini and walnuts.  Beat at low speed, scraping bowl often, until well mixed ( 2 to 3 min.)  By hand, stir in zucchini and nuts.  Spread into 2 greased 8" x 4" loaf pans.  Bake for 50 to 65 min. or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean.  Cool 10 minutes and remove from pans.  Cool completely.

      Jewish Apple Cake (submitted by Fay Klepper and Michele Steven- 2nd Gen. MOPS)

      In bowl slice 5 large apples, thicker than for a pie - (Jonathan are best but don't use delicious)  sprinkle with:

      2 tsp. cinnamon set aside & mix:
      3 cups flour
      2 cups sugar
      1 cup oil
      4 unbeaten eggs
      1/2 tsp. salt
      1/2 cup orange juice
      3 tsp. vanilla
      2 tsp. baking powder

      Mix in mixer until sugar is dissolved, at least 5 min.  Into greased tube pan spoon
      1/3 batter,  then 1/3 apples & repeat 2 more times ending with apples.  Pour on any apple juice.

      Bake 1 1/2 hrs. at 350.  Let stand in pan 30-45 min. before removing.  Make one day ahead of time to ensure best flavor.

      Monday, October 12, 2009

      Lunch anyone??

      CiCis_circular_logo2Here is an easy way to participate in FCC MOPS' ongoing fundraiser. Every second Tuesday of the month, CiCi's Pizza at 5740 W 88th Ave, Westminster,  will share a percentage of the total sales (receipts that are turned in) with our MOPS group. So, tomorrow after MOPS, head to CiCi's Pizza with your table or other MOPS friends. Make sure to turn your receipt into the counter  so that your purchase will be included.

      Friday, October 9, 2009

      The Great Pumpkin

      I'll leave it up to Linus and the rest of the gang to decide whether or not The Great Pumpkin exists, but I do know that today is a great day to go to the pumpkin patch in search of your or your child(ren)'s "great" pumpkin. If you are wondering where to go, the Denver Post has done the research for you. They have compiled a long list of pumpkin patches, corn mazes, petting zoos, and hay rides all throughout the Denver metro area. Here is the link http://www.denverpost.com/coloradosunday/ci_4421368. Make sure to bring along your camera. I'm positive you will be able to get some terrific pics and maybe find the great pumpkin too.

      Thursday, October 8, 2009

      Announcements for 10-13-09

      1.0 In order for our finance and newcomer gals to get into the meeting, in a timely manner, they will be sitting at the check-in table until 9:40 am. If you arrive later than 9:40 am., please sign the late sign-in sheet. Don't forget, everyone needs to check in each meeting.

      Remember-There is a new finance policy this year.

      2.0 Dues will be due at the next meeting on October 27.

      3.0 The next fundraiser will be Trunk or Treating on October 30 at Foothills Community Church. FCC MOPS will have a refreshment booth with coffee, hot chocolate, and baked goods for a donation. Each MOPS mom is asked to donate baked goods individually wrapped for the booth. Moms are also needed to man the booth.

      4.0 Blog/Facebook- We have a blog, http://fccmops.wordpress.com. We also have facebook page, Foothills MOPS. Become a fan.

      5.0 H1N1 flier. Due to the number of pregnant moms in our MOPS group, we will be sending children and moms home this cold and flu season if any sign of the H1N1 virus or any cold flu symptom exists.

      6.0 MOPPETS- Children may be dropped off beginning at 9:15 am in their assigned classrooms. Please do not drop them off elsewhere. Also, make sure all items are labeled with your child's name.

      7.0 Food sign up will look differently after this meeting. Planet Noisy and Planet Forgetful are responsible for bringing food to the next meeting on October 27.

      8.0 Deedee Woodman will be speaking October 27 on The Importance of Friendships.

      9.0 Win a beautiful, one of a kind, handmade necklace! Every time you donate $1.00 of spare change, you will be given a ticket that enters you to win.

      10.0 Girls Night Out!! This month Planet Meltdown is hosting our all MOPS event. Oct 24th at the Fitness Center from 6:30 - 9pm.  Bring a game and dessert or appetizer to share.

      MOPPETS Sick Policy/ H1N1 precautions

      Here at FCC MOPS, we want to make sure that everyone remains healthy. Therefore, by registering our child(ren) for MOPPETS you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the following sick policy. A sick child will not have a good time and risks infecting other children and adults. Our sick policy benefits everyone and will help to keep us all well. Children who show signs of illness cannot be accepted in the nursery or preschool rooms. Please do not bring your child if he/she shows any of the following symptoms with 48 hours prior to attending MOPS.

      Because of H1N1, MOPPETS workers will be following the Jefferson County Health Department Guidelines for accepting children into the infant nursery and preschool rooms. Please follow the guidelines below so that your child does not have to be turned away.

      The Jefferson County Health Department advises that students should remain home from school when these symptoms are present:
      •   Fever (greater that 100º F) and or:
      o   Chills
      o   Cough
      o   Sore throat
      o   Runny or stuffy nose
      o   Body aches
      o   Headaches
      o   Some people also may have vomiting and diarrhea

      2.  When is it okay to send your child back to school?

      Keep your child home from school or day care for at least 24 hours after their fever is gone.  Their fever should be gone without taking a fever-reducing medicine such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen.

      Cara Jakab 9-8-09

      Cara Jakab grew up in a family who sang together. Her three sisters and parents toured for fourteen summers and recorded three albums at the Bill Gaither Studio in Indiana.

      Cara has been married to the love of her life for sixteen years. They have two boys (10 and 5 years old) and are currently in the process of adopting two children from Haiti. Before having children and becoming a stay at home mom, Cara taught for six years.

      Cara is very familiar with MOPS. She has been involved in MOPS for nine years. Four of those years, she was a Council Coordinator. As a Council Coordinator, Cara volunteered to mentor twenty MOPS groups. Presently, Cara speaks at MOPS groups twice a month.

      Cara's passion is to engage with Jesus, her husband, children, and today with...YOU!

      Click here to listen to Cara Jakab.

      Peace Amidst the Pressure

      Peace Amidst the Pressure Discussion Questions

      Monday, July 27, 2009

      Welcome to FCC MOPS

      MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers. MOPS exists to meet the needs of every mom – urban, suburban, and rural moms, stay-at-home and working moms, teen single, and married moms – moms with different lifestyles who all share a similar desire to be the very best moms they can be!  We also encourage expectant mothers to attend a mops group.  Mothers of Preschoolers means every mother with children from birth to kindergarten, not just women whose children attend preschool. MOPS recognizes that the years from infancy to kindergarten are foundational in the mother-child relationship and are filled with unique needs.

      MOPS is for moms of preschool children (birth through kindergarten).  Meetings begin the 25th of August and continue on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.

      For More Information on FCC MOPS or to Register Click Here

      For Upcoming MOPS Events Click Here

      For More Information on MOPS Meetings Click Here